The one stop shop for anyone who wants a career change, regardless of their age or industry, to discover what they truly want and need from a new career.
Based on leading theories of career development and my 40 years’ experience, the course will help you understand yourself better, as well as the jobs you could do, and use this new knowledge to take your next step with confidence.
The course replicates the process a careers advisor would usually take you through in 8-10 in person sessions, generally costing £75-100 each - up to £1000 in total.
Take the course that could change your life for only £120 (including VAT) - the first module is free below.
How the course works
Each of the 12 course modules will take you closer to taking your next step with confidence, with a video to watch, exercise to complete and reflective questions to answer about yourself - much like the process you would go through with a careers adviser in person.
Click on the preview button next to Module 1 to get your first video, exercise and reflective questions for free, no registration required, and get started today.
- 1) Introduction - Where are you now? (11:33)
- 2) What makes you happy? (11:45)
- 3) What are you really good at? (8:55)
- 4) What do you value most at work? (7:53)
- 5) What can’t you do without at work? (9:53)
- 6) What kind of person are you? (10:13)
- 7) How do you make decisions? (9:07)
- 8) What kind of job could I do? (10:38)
- 9) The five types of career change (10:10)
- 10) Discovering new opportunities (12:53)
- 11) The three stages of change (12:34)
- 12) Making change happen (11:28)
Feedback from Career Changers
"I lost my job during lockdown and knew I didn’t want to continue down the path I was on. I gave the Essential Career Change Course a try and it really helped me think about what was important to me and now I’ve been lucky enough to land a job in the food sustainability sector, something I’m truly passionate about."
Carrie, 34.
Changed career from advertising to food sustainability
"I hated the job I was in and needed to decide my future, but I lacked the confidence and knowledge to make a decision, leaving me feeling helpless. The Essential Career Change Course helped me work out what jobs I would be suited to and most importantly, enjoy. It helped me break down my personality, desires, and drives, giving me detailed information and instructions on how to achieve my career change. Hugely recommended."
Jamie, 21.
Changed career from finance to sales
Take the course that could change your life now for only £120
About me
Hi, I’m Barbara, it’s great to meet you!
Almost everyone has a career of some sort, but very few people know where to turn for advice about it. Career guidance used to be available to everyone, but these days it’s incredibly hard to find.
That’s why I started The Career Dr. I’ve had the pleasure of spending all my professional life working with people to fathom out what they want to do with their careers, writing books about how careers work, and had my work featured in some of the world’s leading journals and publications. I believe everyone deserves the chance to discover a career that fulfils them and makes them truly happy, they just need the right guidance to get there.
Wherever you are in the world, the principles that underpin my courses should be relevant and help you see the next step of your career more clearly. If you’ve got any questions or comments please get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.
Good luck on the next exciting stage of your career!
My Career Guidance Credentials
I have been working as a careers advisor and theorist for over 40 years - below are some of the achievements I'm most proud of.
Published in world leading academic career books and journals
My theories of career development have been published in the International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling and Oxford Handbook of Career Development.
Doctorate in education
My research focused on the university choices made by students in relation to their career decisions. This is where I began to write my theory of career learning and development (the CLD Bridge) – the theoretical basis for my courses.
Member of the Career Development Institute
I am a member of the professional body for careers advisers in the UK, who help careers professionals turn theory into practise.
Senior Lecturer Canterbury Christ Church University
For the last twenty years I have been leading and teaching on a range of careers programmes and courses for undergraduates and postgraduates, such as the MA in Career Management.